Sagittarius Health weekly Horoscope, Sagittarius health this, next Week

Sagittarius Health weekly Horoscope gives you great insight into your health and helping you in planning the same.

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Sagittarius Health Weekly Horoscope 24 July – 30 July 2023

The Sun will enter Leo, and it will conjunct Venus. Venus is in retrogression, so this conjunction will be complex. Both planets will impact the legs, and they will aspect the neck and shoulder areas. Your whole body is activated, and you should take enough rest. Shoulder and neck-related issues can arise. Your ears are also activated, so this is a good time to check for ear wax. This is a very good time to go for spiritual activities, and they will even work as a remedy. Your knees will also be very sensitive.

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Sagittarius Health Weekly Horoscope 15 July – 21 July 2024

Your external genitals, urine, blood, and seminal vessels will be very sensitive during this time. The genital area is very important, so you have to take care of those organs. If you already have any urinary bladder-related issues, then you have to be careful. If there are any issues with urine color or frequency, then have more water and don’t wait for home remedies. Consume enough vitamins and minerals to strengthen your blood flow. Please practice safe sex to prevent any kind of risk. Menstrual issues are also possible during this time, but they will disappear after the transit. The health of your family is also very important during this time. This is also a good time to heal your emotional issues.

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