Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope, Sagittarius this week, Sagittarius next week

Sagittarius Weekly HoroscopeComprehensive Sagittarius weekly horoscope on web covering Indian Sagittarius this week and Western Sagittarius this week horoscope prediction at one place. You can find your fortune in the predictions of Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope provided by Truthstar. It covers the various aspects of life and forecasts your future for a particular week. This week Sagittarius horoscope will cover all aspects of the life.

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Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 22 July 2024 – 28 July 2024

This week, you will need to make several important decisions, which may cause stress and anxiety. Keep your mind and thoughts under control, and if you face difficulty in making decisions, seek help from an elder. It is advisable to avoid all types of long-term investments this week. If you feel restless, spend some money on yourself by going out with friends to enjoy some happy moments. This will help you make several significant financial decisions successfully.

If you or any family member wishes to settle abroad and the astrological charts support this, you can achieve success in this endeavor this week because Rahu will be positioned in your fourth house from your moon sign. Favorable circumstances will arise during this period, and with extra effort, you can fulfill your dream of settling abroad.

Due to Saturn being positioned in your third house, your previous hard work on the work front will pay off this week. This will lead to a promotion, and seeing your progress, your family will feel proud of you. Consequently, you will regain your lost respect within the family.

Students need to keep working hard, as their ability to understand will be better during this period. Avoid distractions from bad company and focus on your studies to prepare for the upcoming exams.

Remedy: Perform a yajna/havan for Rahu on Saturday.

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Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 15 July 2024 – 21 July 2024

Rahu will be positioned in your fourth house of home and family, indicating that this week you may need to make several important decisions. This could lead to some stress and restlessness, so it’s crucial to maintain control over your thoughts and seek advice from experienced individuals if you encounter any difficulties in decision-making. This week will highlight the fact that investments made with intellect yield fruitful results. Therefore, even during this time, you’ll need to wisely invest your hard-earned income in the right places. If you have any doubts, seek help from a knowledgeable or senior person.

This week is especially auspicious for an elderly family member who has been suffering from health issues, as they may find relief from a serious health problem they’ve been dealing with for a long time. This will create a better atmosphere at home, where family members may gather to enjoy evening meals and reminisce about good times. Regarding your career, your efforts and ideas will receive ample support from destiny this week, potentially leading to significant advancements. Keep striving towards your goals persistently. You’ll need to make continuous efforts to learn something new this week; you can also utilize the internet for this purpose. However, avoid excessive use of social media during this period, as it could waste a lot of your time.

Remedy: Perform a Yajna or Havan for Ketu on Tuesday.

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Read Weekly Horoscope for Another Sign

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 07 December – 13 December 2020

Sagittarius kicks off connecting with friends, groups, societies and organisations, so touch base and express your emotional ties and values. Up to the 8th, you will be inspired to decorate your home. From the 9th to the 11th, you may not feel like the social butterfly and should look for refuge in quieter surroundings. This is an ideal time for you to ponder on spirituality and broadening your mind with metaphysics. There is plenty of work behind the scenes to do, but whether you are up to it is another thing.

In the meantime, you will have plenty to think about as far as personal necessities, relationships, long term plans and making changes to your self-image are concerned. From the 11th to the 13th marks a good time to take on creative and innovate projects. Why not enjoy a show or lively entertainment?

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope 30 November, 2020 – 06 December, 2020

Our happy Archers start the week creating a good self-image, maybe getting a haircut, and feeling more bouncy than usual. Review your relationships, set some standards, and clear differences of opinion if your ego can handle it. Beginning of the week, make an overhaul of your income stream and set a budget into place. Mid of the week, you’ll welcome a change of pace with travel, and look for interests to keep you mentally active.

You will spend time on your own, due to circumstances. This is a resting phase, recharging your batteries, and looking within to find the sources of frustration. Some may feel socially disconnected, while others rise to assist those in hospital, help out with charity or take care of a partner’s health problem. Remember to be sympathetic and examine your own perceived fears.

On the weekend, you’ll contemplate your career and review your long-range plans. What sort of public image do you want to display?