Taurus Weekly Horoscope, Taurus this week, Taurus Next week

Taurus weekly horoscopeComprehensive Taurus weekly horoscope on web covering Indian Taurus this week and Western Taurus this week horoscope prediction at one place. You can find your fortune in the predictions of Taurus Weekly Horoscope provided by Truthstar. It covers the various aspects of life and forecasts your future for a particular week. This week Taurus will guide you on all aspects of the life.

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Taurus Weekly Horoscope 22 July 2024 – 28 July 2024

Jupiter will be positioned in the twelfth house from your moon sign. In such a situation, your efforts to refine yourself will positively impact your health in many ways. As a result, you will feel better and more confident during this period. If a significant portion of your money has been stuck for a long time as compensation or debt, you will finally receive that money this week because Rahu is situated in your eleventh house. Additionally, the positions and aspects of several auspicious planets indicate the possibility of financial gain for many individuals of your sign.

This week will generally bring peace to your family life. However, it is possible that, despite not wanting to, you might accidentally break or lose something in the house, causing family members to be upset with you. Therefore, be cautious from the beginning and avoid doing anything that might cause damage to the house. This week will be favorable for your career because you will be able to get rid of some defect or obstacle, allowing you to work harder and strive towards your goals more effectively in your professional field.

This time will be especially important for students, as your hard work will enable you to achieve good marks, and this success will lead to your progress and advancement. This, in turn, will increase the respect and honor of you and your family in society.

Remedy: Perform a yajna/havan for the planet Jupiter on Thursday.

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Taurus Weekly Horoscope 15 July 2024 – 21 July 2024

Ketu will be positioned in the fifth house of your moon sign. As a result, you might find it difficult to maintain concentration on your work this week. This is because your health might not be entirely good, which may require you to take medication, potentially affecting your taste and mood more than usual. From a financial perspective, this time will prove to offer you better direction and opportunities as Rahu will be located in your eleventh house. Thus, this week, you will receive support from your family in saving or accumulating money. Your parents will feel proud of you due to some of your actions this week, bringing peace to the family environment and earning you the respect at home that you have long desired.

In your career, luck will favor you in every situation this week. This indicates that you will receive appropriate praise and support from your senior officers. Some of you may also achieve your desired promotion during this time. The planets and stars of your sign indicate that this week may be a lonely one for many students. In such a situation, you can overcome this problem by spending time with your pet or talking to a family member.

Remedy: On Friday, donate curd rice to an elderly woman.

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