Leo Weekly Horoscope, Leo this week, Leo Next Week

Leo Weekly HoroscopeComprehensive Leo weekly horoscope on web covering Indian Leo this week and Western Leo this week horoscope prediction at one place. You can find your fortune in the predictions of Leo Weekly Horoscope provided by Truthstar. It covers the various aspects of life and forecasts your future for a particular week. This week Leo horoscope will cover all aspects of the life.

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Leo Weekly Horoscope 22 July 2024 – 28 July 2024

Rahu will be positioned in the eighth house from your moon sign. As a result, your habit of frequent eating might cause you problems this week. Understand that overeating might be enjoyable, but it can significantly harm your health. Therefore, you should avoid consuming high-calorie foods this week.

A large portion of your income, which you were spending on your parents’ health, will be saved this week as their health will improve. Consequently, you will be able to save your money, so continue taking good care of them from the beginning.

This week, your knowledge will impress the people around you. In particular, you may successfully attract someone of the opposite sex living near you with your good nature. Due to Jupiter being present in your tenth house, the business you have been working hard on for years will achieve a good professional reputation this week. You will clearly show tears of joy during this period. However, instead of taking all the credit yourself, you should also give credit to your hardworking employees, God, and all the family members who stood by you as a pillar in every situation.

Due to the blessings of several planets, students will receive very good results in the field of higher education this week. You might get the good news of admission to a good place. Especially for those students who dream of studying abroad, this dream has strong chances of coming true at this time.

Remedy: Recite the Aditya Hridaya Stotra daily.

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Leo Weekly Horoscope 15 July 2024 – 21 July 2024

Jupiter will be positioned in the tenth house of your moon sign. As a result, health-wise, conditions will be completely in your favor this week. You will be able to enjoy good and improved health, feeling cheerful. Elderly individuals of this sign may find relief from old issues related to their knees and hands during this period. Throughout the week, luck and fortune will be on your side. Therefore, you are advised not to rush unnecessarily in any work and to proceed with patience, as Ketu will be in the second house of your moon sign. Trust the process of life before investing any money.

If disputes arise with family members this week, you are advised to remain patient. It’s possible that a discussion could lead to differing opinions between you and your family members, and they might blow a small issue out of proportion. If you don’t give them the chance to do so, the matter could resolve itself.

Those individuals of this sign who are involved in government jobs have the potential for promotion, salary increases, and even desired transfers this week. Hence, continue to focus solely on your goals. Any financial loss this week could negatively impact your education. Do not let adverse circumstances overwhelm you; instead, learn from them and move forward, paving your own way.

Remedy: Chant “Om Suryaya Namah” 11 times daily.

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