When planet Venus returns to its normal transit after completing reverse transit then it affects women at its most. In such conditions the feelings of love starts blooming in the minds of ladies. As a result women start thinking about love, romance and sensual pleasures. On the same hand during this return to normal transit of Venus men also feel attracted towards sensual pleasures and lust. During this year 2022 Venus was in reverse transit in the sign of Sagittarius. Now it will come back to its normal transit in Sagittarius on 29th January 2022 on Saturday 14:55 after completing its reverse transit. Thus it will affect all the 12 moon signs in some way. Let us see how this will happen.
For moon sign of Aries, planet Venus is the lord of 2nd and 7th houses. Here it will be seen in normal transit in Sagittarius sign in the 9th house that is concerned to luck and fortune. Due to the normal transit of Venus in the 9th house this time will be going to be favorable for persons of Aries sign. Besides this you will get full support from your destiny. As a result you will get success at your work place in which ever task you will participate. You will also get progress in your career. Along with this position of Venus people related to business will have a chance to get good profits. Many persons will have interest in religious pursuits during this time. Due to this reason they will spend their money in religious tasks.
Remedies: Offer Kheer to Goddess Laxmi.
In the moon sign of Taurus, planet Venus is the lord of 6th house. During its normal transit in Sagittarius it will be seen in the 8th house. In such transit of Venus in the 8th house you will get mixed results. During this time we are advising you to take care of your health. If you are already having some disease then there is a chance of this disease to grow more. Even yet you will have a chance to go on a small journey and it will be very auspicious for you. However still you have to be alert and careful during this time period.
Remedies: Light a lamp of ghee in a nearby temple.
In the moon sign of Gemini, planet Venus is the lord of 5th and 12th houses. Venus and Mercury the lord of Gemini are friends. During its normal transit in Sagittarius planet Venus will be seen in the 7th house. In such conditions you will get more than normal fruits due to the placement of Mars in 7th house and its combination with Venus. Especially you have a good chance to get positive results concerned with your relations. Those persons who are single and are thinking of getting married or are ready to propose marriage to their beloved they will get the support of their destiny due to the favor of planet Venus.
Remedies: Worship Lord Ganesha regularly and offer ladoos to him.
In the moon sign of Cancer, planet Venus is the lord of 4th and 11th houses. Venus will have a normal transit in Sagittarius in the 6th house. Thus this time will be sufficiently good for the people of Cancer moon sign. During this time Venus will be giving full support to you. This time will be the best for those people who are in some partnership business. These people will earn good profits and gains in their business. This time will be good for students. Their efforts will bring success to them. During this time they will understand difficult subjects very easily.
Remedies: Offer Kheer made from rice to Lord Shiva.
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In the moon sign of Leo, planet Venus is the lord of 3rd and 10th house. These houses denote brothers, sisters and career respectively. During its normal transit in Sagittarius Venus will be seen in the 5th house. In such conditions the combination of planet Venus and Mars in the 5th house will give you best results related to education and love affairs. During this time people who are in jobs will make progress at their work place. Besides this if you are concerned with any partnership business then you will have better relations with him. Those students who are preparing for some competitive exam will have a good time with the favor of Venus.
Remedies: Offer water to planet Sun that is filled in a copper vessel and is mixed with rice.
In the moon sign of Virgo, planet Venus is the lord of 2nd and 9th houses. During its normal transit in Sagittarius Venus will be seen in the 4th house. The placement of Venus in 4th house along with planet Mars that is already there will make chances of getting good results for you. During this time you will get an increase in your materialistic pleasures. Those persons who are planning to buy a new home or a new vehicle will get good chances with the favor of Venus. Even yet due to these reasons your expenses might also have a chance to get increased.
Remedies: Go to some temple and offer dried grapes to Goddess Laxmi.
In the moon sign of Libra, planet Venus is the lord of 1st and 8th houses. During its normal transit in Sagittarius Venus will be seen in the 3rd house. Venus is the lord of your sign and its placement in the 3rd house will give mixed results to you. During this time you will need to take special care of your health. In such conditions as far as possible eat food that is cooked at home. Avoid eatables that have been fried in oil. Besides this you have to avoid having any journey in this transit of Venus during this period. This is because during this time if you take a long journey then you might feel troubled with it.
Remedies: Give some gift to any small girl.
In the moon sign of Scorpio, planet Venus is the lord of 12th and 7th houses. During its normal transit in Sagittarius Venus will be seen in the 2nd house that denotes saved money and wealth. During this time planet Venus will have a combination with Mars in the 2nd house. As a result you will have chances to earn and get good money. As a result you will also get money from many sources. If any of your money has got stuck previously then during this time period you will get that money. As a result your financial crises will get removed. Even then you have to keep control over your expenses.
Remedies: Always keep a red handkerchief in your pocket or purse.
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For people of Sagittarius, sign this normal transit of Venus will be very important. In the moon sign of Sagittarius, planet Venus is the lord of 6th and 11th houses. Here it will have a normal transit in Sagittarius in its own ascendant that is the 1st house. In such conditions this kind of transit by Venus will give you more than favorable results. Even on the financial front you will get many new sources to get money. Even many persons will get sudden money during this time. If you have plans that you could not start due to money crisis, they will get started now.
Remedies: Donate green colored items and offer Durva grass to Lord Ganesha regularly.
In the moon sign of Capricorn, planet Venus is the lord of 5th and 10th houses. During its normal transit in Sagittarius Venus will be seen in the 12th house. In this normal transit of Venus you will get many good and auspicious results. During this time you will get the best success at your work place during this time. Besides this during time those persons who are concerned with any business, they will get many new opportunities for themselves. Even then during this time you should be careful and alert from your enemies at your office or work place.
Remedies: Worship Goddess Katyayni and chant her mantra with all prescribed rules.
In the moon sign of Aquarius, planet Venus is the lord of 4th and 9th houses. During its normal transit in Sagittarius it will be seen in the 11th house. In such conditions Venus will combine with planet Mars that is already placed in the 11th house. Due to this reason you will take some time to get money. Even then you will get success in having many materialistic pleasures with favors of planet Venus. Some persons might also take decision to invest their money to earn profits. Yet we are suggesting them not to do so or else they might incur losses.
Remedies: Bath with water mixed with black sesame daily.
In the moon sign of Pisces, planet Venus is the lord of 3rd and 8th houses. Now it will have a normal transit in Sagittarius in the 10th house. In such conditions this good position of Venus will be going to give you many favorable results. Especially you will get good results and success in your career. With this you will make progress at your work place. During this time your all efforts made at your work place will be successful. Besides this you will also have chance to have a business project passed by seniors. Many persons might go on a journey on account of their job during this time.
Remedies: Worship Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi regularly and chant the mantras of Lord Vishnu.
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