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Category Archives: Yoga

A Yoga Posture for Flexible Body

A Yoga Posture for Flexible Body Yoga Posture – Paschimotaan-asana is a Hatha Yoga Asana,which is good for increasing flexibility of your physical body. A regular practice of this asana(posture) also improves appetite and cu...

Basic Precautions of Yoga

Precautions of Yoga – Yoga imposes certain disciplines for a balanced and contented life. These disciplines have scientific justifications. Unlike superficial, frivolous lifestyles without any do’s or don’ts, the...

Advantages of Yoga

We give undue importance to our health and the treatment of diseases. A large number of medicines treat only the symptoms of the disease, and not the root cause. In fact, the cause of many chronic ailments is still being researche...

Types of Yoga

There are different paths (margas) of yoga that can be taken in order to reunite with the divine energy. An active person can realize his divinity through work and duty (Karma), A religious person through devotion (Bhakti), An int...

Basic Principles of Yoga

Regular practice of yoga, helps in cultivating a strict discipline in food habits, cleanliness, sex and character, thus enabling one to become a better person. The therapeutic use of yoga is widely known. In fact, today, yoga is c...

How to Start Yoga?

While starting a yoga practice without the support of a qualified yoga teacher is not recommended, we acknowledge that many people do not have access to a teacher due to location or times of classes. We have put together this page...

Why Practice Yoga?

Every human being is born with powers to make life more meaningful and complete. Astrology of the Day | Tarot of the Day | Monthly horoscope | Tarot Monthly Physical power fulfils our physical needs through action; psychological p...