
Wealth Giving Items – Tulsi, Rudraksha Bead, Gomati Chakra, and more

Wealth Giving Items - Nature holds all sorts of items in her vast bosom. Some items as described here are instrumental in attracting wealth: Basil Plant (Tulsi): A basil plant is easily available everywhere and it is an embodiment of the goddess of wealth (Lakshami). Keep a potted basil plant…

Fengshui Pagoda Tower for Luck & Success in Education

In Fengshui a multi tier Pagoda Tower is a symbol of rising up in life through good luck and success in education and career. Pagodas also are believed to be symbols of protection and prosperity. They are often used as cures to harmonize the energy in a home or office.…

Why washing out used utensils at night important for health?

Bring prosperity and good health to your home by washing out used utensils at night only. [caption id="attachment_18347" align="alignnone" width="900"] Washing Used utensils [/caption] We have stepped in 20th century, the World of modern science and believe. But still we believe in rituals, vaastu and astrology. Not only Indians but…

Planting basil plant in home; Myths and Facts

Bring happiness home by planting a basil plant Why planting a basil plant is considered ausipicious in sanatan dharma? My grandmother told me that worship of Lord Vishnu is incomplete without basil leaves. Apart from t [caption id="attachment_18341" align="alignright" width="200"] Basil Plant[/caption] his, Lord hanuman is also worshipped with Basil…

Logic behind Eating curd and sugar before leaving the house

[caption id="attachment_18337" align="alignright" width="164"] Eating Curd and Sugar[/caption] "Wait, before you leave for your work, have spoonful of curd and sugar” We can never forget of exam days when our mother used to give curd and sugar before we leave home for our examination or any job interview. It is…

Worship ‘Tulsi’ for Health, Happiness & Prosperity

Tulsi for Health The Basil plant commonly known as Tulsi is revered especially in India. it has not only medicinal uses it is worshiped for purging of sins and for the divine blessings. [xyz-ips snippet="Top-Links-And-Advertisement"] How this Yoga is formed? If in a birth chart the planet Mars occupies a…

Diabetes through Window of Astrology

Diabetes through Window of Astrology - With the aim of ‘Prevention and Cure of Diabetes’ this article describes some main astrological indications which can help in preventing or curing this disease. As per Vedic astrology the planet Jupiter represents sweet taste so in general if in a birth chart Jupiter…

Get rid of Stress with Aroma Therapy – Stress Aroma Therapy

Stress Aroma Therapy - Stress is a silent killer and some call it a killer without a face. Stress can have a very negative effect on the body. Persistent stress can cause high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attacks. Many people die because of too much stress in their life.…

Mukula Mudra

*Yogic Hand Gesture with Many Benefits* The Yogic hand mudras are mystichand gestures to block or activate certain subtle energy channels in our body for desired specific results. The Sanskrit language word ‘Mudra’ means a posture or gesture. Even in classical Indian dances, mudras are considered to be seals of…

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