Worship ‘Tulsi’ for Health, Happiness & Prosperity

Tulsi for Health

The Basil plant commonly known as Tulsi is revered especially in India. it has not only medicinal uses it is worshiped for purging of sins and for the divine blessings.

Prakrama Yoga

How this Yoga is formed?

If in a birth chart the planet Mars occupies a benefic sign and the 3rd lord occupies a benefic Navamsa under favourable conditions then this Yoga is formed.

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Results of Prakrama Yoga

The word Prakrama means courage or ability to act bravely in a difficult situation. So the native having this Yoga in his or her birth chart possesses great courage and is fearless.

As per the principles of Vedic Astrology the 3rd house in a birth chart represents Prakrama therefore the lord of the 3rd house and the general significator of courage and bravery viz. Mars play a key role in realizing this Yoga.

It has been observed that if this Yoga is under malefic influences the native has tendency to misuse his courage for wrong deeds such as terrorising others.

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“Wherever the aroma of Tulsi is carried by the wind, it purifies the atmosphere and frees all animals from all baser tendencies.” -Padmapurana ( Uttarakhanda)

Tulsi (basil) plant is believed to be blessed by the Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu as per Vedic beliefs is the preserver of life upon this planet hence planting and looking after a Tulsi plant bestows longevity and happiness. The basil plant is worshipped and is invariably grown in the courtyard of most houses.

It is considered as a holy plant in the Indian subcontinent and symbolises purity. Its leaves are used for worship purposes and especially in marriage ceremony.

Worshipping this Plant for Health, Happiness and Prosperity

The best place to grow a tulsi plant is in the eeshaan-kone which is the north-east corner of the house. If the area is paved then a potted plant may be placed there.

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Every morning the devotee should look after the plant and pray to Tulsi-devi and take a parikrama (going around the plant) three times.

Worship Tulsi with nice food items, flowers, incense, a ghee lamp, and other traditional articles of orship.

After lighting up the lamp (deepak) at dusknear theTulsi plant recite the following prayer:

“Oh, Holy Tulsi,
Bosom friend of Lakshmi,
Destroyer of sins,
Bestower of blessings,
Who is praised by the sage Narada,
And is the darling of Lord Narayana
Salutations to thee”

Recite Tulsi Mantra

For added benefits you may recite 108 times in one sitting at any time the following mantra:

“Vrindaayai Thulasee Devyai,
Priyaayai Kesavyasya Cha,
Dhwaam Varadhaabhavasarvatha”

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Tulsi is a Herb with many Healing Properties

It is also taken as the herbal tea.

Juice of its leaves give relief in cold, fever, bronchitis and cough.

Tulsi oil is also used as ear drops.

Its helps in curing malaria.

It is very effective against indigestion, headache, hysteria, insomnia and cholera.

The queen of herbs, has been known for its remarkable healing properties.

Chewing a few leaves of the plant will purify the blood.

A decoction of Tulsi and mint is an excellent rejuvenator.

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