Mercury Moving into Sagittarius on 28 November 2016



Mercury ( Me ) In Seventh House With Sagittarius

Mercury in the Seventh house will help you get benefit from your in-laws.You will be successful in business. You will have adequate resources of comfort. You will lead the life of rich and famous. Your enemies will be defeated. You will have all the comforts of life throughout your life-span. Your family will be complete.


Mercury ( Me ) In Sixth House With Sagittarius

Mercury in the Sixth house will get you success. You will face difficulties in business. You will get strength through various sources. You would have more expenses. You will have income through foreign sources. You will lack the company of your father. You will have an attractive spouse. She would also become fortunate. You will have the pleasure of getting the affection from your extended family and support of your siblings.


Mercury ( Me ) In Fifth House With Sagittarius

Mercury in the fifth house will help you to get success at academics and will aid in having your own kids. You will progress in profession and family matters. You will be recognized by the society. You will be famous all over the country. You will have the ownership of land and vehicle. You will have sources of income through foreign sources. You will have a long life.


Mercury ( Me ) In Fifth House With Sagittarius

Mercury in the fifth house will help you to get success at academics and will aid in having your own kids. You will progress in profession and family matters. You will be recognized by the society. You will be famous all over the country. You will have the ownership of land and vehicle. You will have sources of income through foreign sources. You will have a long life.


Mercury ( Me ) In Fourth House With Sagittarius

Mercury in the fourth house will pose challenges related to ownership of your house and create problems for your mother. You will be successful in matters related to father, state and business. You will take all the challenges heads on. You will have problems in earning your livelihood. You will not be able to spend time with your wife and family. But you will be able to lead a comfortable life because of your strength.


Mercury ( Me ) In Third House With Sagittarius

Mercury in the third house will help you to have business expansion and will also ensure that you have the company and good relationship with your siblings. You will be successful at business and in matters related to your spouse. You will be successful and recognized. You will progress and become successful in every field of life and will benefit from foreign sources as well. You will benefit from travel. You will have the ownership of land. You will have a comfortable life. There are dangers of your life span getting cut short. You will face sudden problems and pain. There are very good chances of you being back stabbed by a friend.


Mercury ( Me ) In Second House With Sagittarius

Mercury in the second house will make you wealthy. You will have profit through your father and business. You will live through the life span bestowed on you. You will progress because of your sensibilities but you will have lack of pleasure from the company of your spouse. You will lead a comfortable life. You will have misery because of your children. You will have a successful and famous life. Your enemies too will have no option but to appreciate you.


Mercury ( Me ) In First House With Sagittarius

Mercury in the first house will make you more sensible. You will be successful at business. You will achieve success. If you are planning to get married you will get a beautiful life partner. Your in-laws will support you in business. You will have pleasure from ownership of land. You will lead a comfortable and respectable life. You will achieve success because of your children as well. You will have a good relationship with your brother. You will be a source of attraction for the opposite sex.


Mercury ( Me ) In First House With Sagittarius

Mercury in the first house will make you more sensible. You will be successful at business. You will achieve success. If you are planning to get married you will get a beautiful life partner. Your in-laws will support you in business. You will have pleasure from ownership of land. You will lead a comfortable and respectable life. You will achieve success because of your children as well. You will have a good relationship with your brother. You will be a source of attraction for the opposite sex.


Mercury ( Me ) In Eleventh House With Sagittarius

Mercury is in the eleventh house will help you to profit you will get the support of your father and company of your spouse. You will lead a wealthy, comfortable and successful life.


Mercury ( Me ) In Tenth House With Sagittarius

Mercury in the tenth house will help you to get the support and respect from your father. You will profit from business. You will enjoy the company of your spouse. You will have fame and status. You will repent losing your mother. You will be successful in business only if you operate from a place which is far away from your home town. You will have property related controversies within your family. Your enemies will become more prominent. You will have differences with your brother. You will have to do a lot of running around to ensure that a particular task gets completed. You would have a long life but would have to face a lot of diseases.


Mercury ( Me ) In Eighth House With Sagittarius

Mercury in the eighth house will give you a long life. You will incur losses in business. You would have to work hard to make additions to your wealth and family. You will have successful life but will be surrounded by stress. You will have differences with your children and disputes with your wife. There are chances of accidents as well. You will have health problems.

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