The New Year is always good for the Virgin, because the Sun is streaming from the Goaty Cragginess of earthy and powerful Capricorn, the sign of the Sea-Goat. This is your fifth house of love, romance, children and speculation. It is also considered a creative phase, so do your best to make the most of it. This year also starts with Mercury, your life-ruler, retrograde in Capricorn bringing forward events from December affecting romance, creativity and speculation. On January 4th, Mercury slips back into Sagittarius, your 4th house of home and family, to clear any family misunderstandings, discussions, delays with building approvals and real estate matters. The Cosmic Prankster turns direct on January 8th, before moving forward into Capricorn on January 12th.
One of the key markers of destiny this year is found in the movement of the Moon’s North Node, the mythical Dragon’s Head, out of Virgo and into Leo between April 9th, when the Mean Node transforms just as Mercury turns retrograde and May 9th, when the True Node finishes the transition. This period will bring a feeling of fated happenings, karmic events, people from past lives and others who will have significant bearing on your future. The Dragon’s Head in Virgo for the past year has seen the South Node in Pisces, generating the urge for immersion in spiritual oneness.
There’s no need to try to accomplish this by escaping the world through addiction or other means, such as withdrawal from others, giving up or choosing not to deal with the daily grind. You have a strong psychic and spiritual power, but this power only works for you when you embrace the lesson of Virgo, serving yourself and others through active involvement and attending to the nitty-gritty details of life. Clean up your own mess in life; nobody’s going to do it for you.
The movement of the Node into Leo sets the measure of karma over the next eighteen months. Your old pattern has been to make your way by fitting in, letting go of your own identity in order to promote a cause and asking the group energy to carry you. This sense of belonging by remaining a spectator in life rather than a participant doesn’t work now, because the Dragon’s Head in Leo will be activating a very creative sign from May 9th on. Trying to blend in will cut off a very real part of you. Your true sense of belonging only opens up when you let your light shine and take the risk of standing out. You’ll magnetically attract the right group of friends.
Love Goddess Venus turns retrograde on March 4th in fiery Aries, your 8th house of sex, death and taxes, stepping back into Pisces, your 7th house of significant commitments on April 3rd. A planet is retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. It’s a cosmic illusion, as planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, thanks to the interaction of the planetary orbits. It’s a bit like travelling on the road watching another car beside you: when the other car slows down, or you speed up, it looks as though the other car is moving backwards.
Sensual Venus turns retrograde only once every eighteen months, with the phase lasting about six weeks. The love Goddess turns in conjunction with the Fixed Star Alderamin, marking the right shoulder of Cepheus, the King. It’s a fortunate star ruled by Saturn and Jupiter, grave and stern in judgement, awakening severe trials, celebrated in poetry and drama. By the Kabalists this constellation is associated with the Hebrew letter Shin and the 22nd Tarot Trump, “The Fool”.
At 9:10 UT on Saturday, March 4th, 2017, Venus reaches her retrograde station at 13° Aries 6′, in preparation for a period of retrograde motion that will last until April 15th, 2017, when she reaches her direct station at 26° Pisces 54′. At this time she halts in the sign of the Fish and begins her return to direct motion through the zodiac. On April 28th, she re-enters Aries, but remains in a shadow phase until May 19th, 2017.
The effects of this retrograde phase will be felt until April 15th, when Venus returns to 26°54′ of Pisces, where she first made her station (this is called the “Shadow Period”, which, especially just after the direct station, can be as intense as the actual retro phase!).
The first part of the Venus retrograde phase is in your 8th house. From March 4th to April 2nd (in Aries), the influence of the Goddess is in your 8th house of sex, death and taxes. With Venus in your 8th there is usually a stroke of luck with finances, and benefits through your partner, legacies, investments and income from other sources. Except in this case it’s a slow-down phase with refinancing, negotiations and receiving money that is owed to you from the past. Your intimate relationships may not be as satisfying and you may find that you are not expressing your sensuality, or you could go overboard with intense emotions. Some from a past relationship could reconnect with you.
The second part of the Venus retrograde phase is in your 7th house from April 3rd (in Pisces) to April 27th. You will need to deal with your feelings, and reassess your current relationships. You may not even be sure how you feel and what you need out of a relationship. Make an effort to readdress your needs and those of your partner by boosting harmony, offering a compromise, or reconciliation and being patient until conditions progress. However, a second chance may be in the offing to gain a mutual understanding of each other’s individual personalities and how you deal with them. Business partnerships, open enemies and legal agreements will also need a compromise. You may feel a touch discouraged and discontented from April 6th to the 25th, as Venus and stern Saturn enter a stressful square aspect. It may be the time you settle a divorce, or find it difficult to come to terms with someone in your life.
The Moon’s nodal axis, known as the Dragon’s Head and Tail, is particularly potent just before changing signs. The Moon’s Nodes travel in retrograde mode, and the Mean North Node will move from Virgo into Leo, your 12th house of secrets, sorrows and subconscious motivations, on April 29th, with the True Node following suit on May 9th, as discussed above. The effects of this change will be felt most strongly in the first degree of Virgo (from April 9th to May 9th). Remember the normal movement of the nodes is backwards through the zodiac.
With the North Node retrograding into your 12th house, karmic lessons will surface by way of creating a crisis within your consciousness where the physical world appears exhausting. The effects of work conditions and your attitude to your job can overtake your ability to cope, undermining your ideals and structures. If better organisational skills are developed, a sense of achievement will emerge through a stronger commitment to routine with less focus on the mundane faults of others. Resist a tendency to self-pity, resentment and jealousy, or internalizing anger over your own present shortcomings. Otherwise, this could lead to poor health and symptoms of disorders and nervousness. Instead of trying to impress others, develop your inner strength through solitude. Try working within groups to develop a higher consciousness, and being less focused on feeling bitter. Increase your compassion and sympathy, improve your diet, and let go of childhood conditioning, concerns and worries through self-evaluation and psychological processes. Virgos will also go through an important phase and learning curve during September 1st to the 17th.
Nebulous Neptune continues his journey through your 7th house of significant commitments, giving rise to difficulties in relationships, unclear communication and unrealistic expectations. This will also affect business partnerships, alliances and marriage. It’s not the best position to start a relationship, as you will be inclined to view most things through rose-tinted glasses. Be clear and precise, and don’t assume that your partner understands your needs. The power of fantasy is hypnotic! You have to spell it out. When seeking professional advice, make sure you comprehend your options, even get another opinion and read the fine print in legal agreements.
Dark Pluto remains in practical Capricorn, your 5th house of romance all year. Pluto’s powerful presence inclines you to undergo intense love affairs, and brings out the passion in existing relationships. Pangs of passion, jealousy and possessiveness may consume your emotions. Expect transformative changes within your friendships and relationships, and in creativity and speculative matters.
As 2017 begins, audacious Mars in Pisces will be throwing a spanner into relationships. January 1st to the 3rd will add confusion to relationships, so avoid partying too hard. There is an associated risk of deception and misunderstanding, since Mercury will be retrograde. January 6th to the 13th sees power struggles and control issues in most relationships. But fortunately attractive Venus will travel through your 7th house too, assisting in settling difference, bringing love, peace offerings and harmony. February 26th features a New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse in Pisces, your 7th house. Some circumstances may proceed smoothly in spite of this influence, but you are unlikely to emerge the winner in ego-related situations. This is not the time to resist the authority of others, or to exhibit arrogant or aggressive attitudes that at any other time might cause your opponents to back down. You have reached the halfway point in your birthday year which makes it a good time to measure your progress (or lack of it) over the last six months.
Sensual Venus retrogrades into your 7th house from April 3rd to the 27th, although she reaches her stationary point on April 15th. This will give you a chance of reconciliation, to gain a better understanding of each other’s needs, whilst encouraging harmony once again. With Mercury also retrograde, you should be able to resolve joint money issues.
August 7th sees a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, your 8th house. Although this Lunar Eclipse will have a bearing on your finances, it will also influence your sexuality and passion in intimate relationships. This is then followed by a Full Moon in Pisces on September 6th. You’ll tend to be guarded and secretive about your relationships, even a tad perplexed about your feelings and expressing your emotions.
Stern Saturn moves into your 5th house of romance on December 20th for a lengthy stay. Relationships and love affairs will not be without difficulties as certain restrictions set in. You have slowly transformed thanks to Pluto, therefore it will be important to give relationships some freedom of creative expression. You will be able to strengthen and bond, be more serious about your commitments and obligations. Children may be more of a problem, or starting a family.
Venus makes her entrance into your 5th house on December 25th, visiting until January 17th, 2018. This will be a delightful time for love, recreation, entertainment and fun activities.
Fearless Mars will hold the centre stage from April 21st to June 4th, in intellectual Gemini your 10th house of career and ambitions. You’ll be a high achiever in fact impatient about getting results and taking action to further your leadership. Try not to ride rough shot over others and don’t forget those around you as they may feel threatened with your eagerness. Try not ego-trip or be defiant with authorities types, employers and those in your profession as your public status will be at stake.
May 20th to June 20th, sees the Sun beaming into your 10th house. With Mars heading the way, this is the time to forge ahead, gain recognition, show your versatility and organisational skills. Impress those at the top, your employer, and those in your professional sphere. May 25th brings a New Moon (Super Moon), when you will take new steps in furthering your career, initiating new concepts and ideas for your long-term objectives. You might find yourself in the limelight, change career roles or getting promoted. May 27th to the 31st frustration and anger could get the better of you, not only on the career front but also at home, and with family members.
Mercury your planetary-ruler soon follows suit from June 6th to the 21st. You can successfully start making plans about your career options, not only with current employers but also with other prospective fields. You’ll be able to talk to talk and get your point of view across.
Venus waltzes into your 10th house from July 5th to the 31st. This is an important time to raise your awareness and be in the public eye. You will do well in most relationships, get on with employers, business dealings and climb socially. December 3rd sees the Full Moon in Gemini just as Mercury turns retrograde in your house of home and family. It won’t be the easiest time for logical and clear thinking as you will have to deal with your career, reputation, relationships and make financial adjustments. After the emotional dramas are over, settle down and rethink your situation.
Financial opportunities lay in wait with giant Jupiter remaining in your 2nd house of personal earnings, values and possessions. This is the time to acquire wealth through property or investments. However, there will be the temptation to overspend and you will need to show restrain to cover future expenditure and losses which may not appear obvious at the start. There will be an increased to think big, exaggerate your financial status and indulge with extravagant possessions. Be wise and slip some money in a secure nest egg when this transit is over. Jupiter moves into Scorpio, your 3rd house of communication on October 10th, 2017.
Venus will retrograde in Aries your 8th house of sex, death and taxes, from March 4th to April 2nd. Then re-enters on April 28th but still in a shadow phase until May 19th, and will exit on June 5th. This will be a long period of juggling finances, and with a bit of luck you will be in a position to settle concerns, gain loans, and unexpected benefits. The Full Moon on April 11, will make its presence in Libra, emphasizing your financial picture, expenditure and the need for a good buget.
Mercury also retrogrades through your 8th house on April 20th, drawing your attention to joint resources, investments, legacies, taxes, business partnerships deals and other people’s money. Negotiations will go slower than usual particularly with loan applications, clearing debts and researching stats and figures. Mercury will then go direct on May 3rd and moves out of your 8th house on May 15th.
Your area of finances will be highlighted from September 22nd through to December 8th with Venus giving you some unexpected money gains from October 14th to November 6th. Mars rolls into your finance area from October 22nd to December 8th. This will give you the energy you need in working hard for you money, but with it there’s a high chance of spending unnecessarily.
The Taskmaster Saturn remains in adventuresome Sagittarius, your 4th house of home and family. This is a time of taking care of problems that have arisen on the home front, with family members, and perhaps with an older family member. You will have to learn a few hard lessons through taking on heavier responsibilities, restrictions, and gaining maturity. Family traditions will play an important role, but at the same time will not allow you the freedom that you might be seeking. Unresolved problems from the past, childhood memories and habits that you have gained will interplay with what you do now. December 20th sees Saturn entering ambitious Capricorn, your 5th house of romance, creativity and speculation.
June 9th brings a Full Moon in Sagittarius influencing your home life, family, real estate, and property. It will highlight your relationship with family members, your feelings and deeper emotions. You will examine your self-importance, career pressures, and public status that you portray. Family problems may surface, the role you play in balancing your security but those of your family.
End of November through to December will be a frantic time when you will spend more time attending to domestic affairs. Venus will steady the atmosphere from December 1st to December 25th, adding harmony, peace-making, thoughts on redecorating, and improvements. Mercury, however retrogrades on the December 3rd just when you are ready to progress with ideas, moving, disappointing news gets in the way of other plans which won’t be resolved until January, 2018. Added to this, there will be a New Moon in your 4th house on December 18th, which is splendid for bringing family members together, entertaining at home and getting ready for Christmas and the holiday season.
On another note, giant Jupiter enters Scorpio your 3rd house of communication on October 10th until November 7th, 2018. This is a tremendous time to enlarge your mental activities, knowledge, studies, everyday events, siblings, short trips, versatile thinking, variety and overseas travel. Interests and success are likely through expanding on higher education, learning a language, linguistic skills and literacy. Your mental perceptions will be greater, which will allow your thought patterns and how you relate to others to expand. Open the door to opportunities and explore alternative avenues of new experiences.
2017 will see major changes in your sector of work and health, your 6th house. It will also impact your sector of secrets, sorrows and subconscious motivations.
January 19th to February 17th, the Sun beams into Aquarius your 6th house, followed by the New Moon in Aquarius on January 28th, and Mercury February 7th to the 25th. During this period, your main focus will be on efficiency in the work place, introducing methodical systems, and orderliness. You’ll show service to others, improve work relationships, be involved in discussions on needs of co-workers and employees. You’ll need to keep in good health, look after your diet, hygiene, and routine matters. If you are due for a medical check-up or dental appointment, do it doing this period.
The eclipses this year will affect your energy balance to a notable degree. February 11th sees a Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Leo which will influence your 12th house of secrets, sorrows and subconscious motivations. August 7th sees a Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, which will influence your 6th house of work and health, then August 21st sees a New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Leo that again will affect issues governed by your 12th house of secrets, sorrows and subconscious motivations. These are discussed in more detail later in the forecast.
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