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Transit of Venus in Cancer – 22 June 2021

Transit of Venus in Cancer

Mars in CancerVenus is considered as planet representing love, relations, beauty, and happiness. Venus is planet of love and romance, therefore this brings harmony and happiness in family. Venus also represents creativity, and how we maintain relations with friends. Natives who have Venus favorable in their zodiac sign, they have attractive personality. Venus also represents communication, therefore, if it is favorable, it may give you benefit from internet and social media. Venus can improve your image in society. Venus is making transit in zodiac sign Cancer on 22nd June 2021, at 2:07 p.m. to 17th July 2021 9:13 a.m. Effect of this transit on all zodiac signs is as follows:-

Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Aries

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on AriesFor the natives of Aries, Venus is lord of second and seventh house, and is making transit in fourth house. Natives of Aries, may want to be at home in peaceful atmosphere rather than having social meetings. You will be in good financial condition and you may have to spend for necessities of home. There may be some changes at your workplace, and you will be benefited by this. Health point of view, you will have very good time.

Remedy: Do not take donations or gifts from others

Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Taurus

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on TaurusFor the natives of Taurus, Venus is lord of first and sixth house and is making transit in third house. In the duration of transit, you may get surprise. This time is good and favorable for you to bring positive changes in your life. You will try to develop your creativity and will try to attempt something new. Your relations with family members will be cordial. Your health will be good and you may feel energetic.

Remedy:Donate clarified butter made from cow’s milk, this will be beneficial.

Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Gemini

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on GeminiFor the natives of Gemini, Venus is lord of fifth and twelfth house and it is making transit in second house. In this duration, your income will be increased, and if you have some foreign investments, then you will be benefited by it. Student natives are going to have a very good time for their education. Businessmen will also earn a good profit in this duration. Health point of view also you have good time.

Remedy: To remove negativity from house, lighting camphor in evening will be beneficial.

Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Cancer

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on CancerFor the natives of Cancer, Venus is lord of fourth and eleventh house and is making transit in first house. In this duration, you will improve your intellectual ability and decide your interest. Professionally, you may be benefited from foreign collaborations. This time is also good for business and partnership. There may be some problems in family life, but matter will be resolved after discussion. You should take care of your health.

Remedy:Put white flower in river to strengthen Venus.

Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Leo

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on LeoFor the natives of Leo, Venus is lord third and tenth house, and it is making transit to twelfth house. In this duration of transit, those natives will be benefited, who are working in foreign or multinational companies. Few natives may get chance to go to foreign, and they will get profit from it. On personal level, you will find yourself surrounded by negativity, and you may have some problems in family life.

Remedy:Recital of Om Shukray Namah will be beneficial.

Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Virgo

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on VirgoFor the natives of Virgo, Venus is lord of second and ninth house, and is making transit to eleventh house. In this duration you will be in mental stress due to your siblings. If you participate in any competition there is possibility that you may win prize. There will be increase in your income and you may earn from other sources also. For your family life, this time is good. Health point of view, you should be careful, and get checkup from doctor.

Remedy:Use of perfume and silver jewelry will be beneficial.

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Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Libra

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on LibraFor the natives of Libra, Venus is lord of first and eighth house, and it is making transit in tenth house. You may have to face some psychological problems in this duration, apart from this there may be other problems also. You may have shortage of money due to excessive expenses. Professionally you will be very busy, and you should concentrate in your work. Students will not be able to focus on study. You should be careful for your health.

Remedy:: Donating perfume on Friday will be beneficial.

Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Scorpio

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on ScorpioFor the natives of Scorpio, Venus is lord of twelfth and sixth house, and it is making transit in ninth house. In this duration, you will be benefited from foreign relations, and you will also participate in religious activities. This time is good for starting new ventures. If you make positive changes in your business, you will get good profit. Those natives, who are in service may also get good opportunities.

Remedy:Recital of Beej Mantra of Venus will be beneficial.

Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Sagittarius

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on SagittariusFor the natives of Sagittarius, Venus is lord of sixth and eleventh house, and is making transit to eighth house. In this duration, you have to be careful from enemies, because they may deceive you. Those students, who want to get higher education, they may have to face some problems. Businessmen should be alert while doing money transactions. You should be careful for your health, also you should be alert for your spouse’s health.

Remedy:Recital of Lalit Sahastranam will be beneficial.

Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Capricorn

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on CapricornFor the natives of Capricorn, Venus is lord of fifth and tenth house, and is making transit to seventh house. In this duration of transit, your family life will be very good and there will be love and romance in your relation. Those natives, who are in service, they will have favorable time and they may get promotion. Students have to work hard in their studies. To keep yourself fit and healthy, you should follow a routine of walking and exercising.

Remedy:Helping young girls for their education will be beneficial.

Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Aquarius

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on AquariusFor the natives of Aquarius, Venus is lord of fourth and ninth house, and it is making transit to sixth house. In this duration, you have to work hard and you may get few opportunities. You family life will be stable, and if there is any problem, then sort it out with understanding. Finance point of view, your expenses may be increased tremendously. Make a budget to control it. Be careful for your health, and follow a healthy routine.

Remedy:Donating milk on Friday will be beneficial.

Transit of Venus in Cancer – Impact on Pisces

Transit of Venus in Cancer - Impact on PiscesFor the natives of Pisces, Venus is lord of third and tenth house, and is making transit in fifth house. In this duration, natives will earn profit from some sources, time is favorable for students also. Family life of the natives will be good. Those, who are in service, should mold themselves according to conditions. There may be property related problems in the family. Be careful for your health and avoid alcohol and cigarette.

Remedy:Applying white sandal teeka on forehead on Friday will be beneficial.

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