Gemini Health weekly Horoscope, Gemini Health this week

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Gemini Health Weekly Horoscope 24 July – 30 July 2023

Mercury will move into the fourth house of the chest, diaphragm, lungs, and blood, so you will have to be very careful with your chest area. You must be careful with the arguments, as the Mars and Mercury combination is very sensitive. This time is ideal for research regarding your health and vitality. You can breathe if your health permits, which will help you, be fresh. Your lungs will also be happy when they get more fresh oxygen. Venus is in retrogression, and it is conjuncting the Sun, so there will be a lot of work-related stress. There will be rework too, and you have to get enough rest.

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Gemini Health Weekly Horoscope 15 July – 21 July 2024

Gemini natives will be focused on the face, eyes, nose, tongue, teeth, ears, fingers, nails, bones, and flesh. Facial beauty is very important, so you will take up treatments like a facial or a face massage. Eye health is important, so stay away from all kinds of harsh lights. Nasal health is also important, and you should pay attention to your nasal health. Oral health is also important, so brushing and flossing are very important. If you already have some eye issues or plaque, then this is the right time to meet a specialist. Nail health is important, so there will be more need for vitamins and minerals. If you do frequent nail treatments, then you need to take a break during this time. If you have any skin issues, they can get triggered again during this time.

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