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Rahu in Gemini and its impact on Taurus Moon Sign

Taurus Moon Sign – How will be the Transit of Rahu in Gemini Moon Sign for You

Rahu in Gemini and its impact on Taurus Moon Sign

Taurus Moon Sign

For Taurus moon sign people, the transit of Rahu in Gemini will take place in the second house from their birth sign. Rahu stationed in the second house is not considered to be auspicious in general. Due to such transit hurdles are experienced in all walks of life. The transit of Rahu in Gemini in the second house will give you the following fruits:-


From health point of view Rahu placed in the second house is not considered to give good fruits. You may feel troubled due to sudden health related troubles. During this period you will be vulnerable towards neck related diseases and ailments concerned with glands. You will need to be careful while driving any vehicle etc. It won’t be good to be careless towards diseases during this time. You should keep in touch to a doctor or physician. You should also take second opinion.

Family and Social Life

From family and social life point of view Rahu present in the second house is not favorable. Unnecessary arguments might trouble you during this period. Your family and mental peace might get disturbed due to domestic quarrels. It is essential for you to keep control on your tongue. There might be a possibility of arguments with your family members. From social prestige point of view this period is favorable. For this reason you need to be careful. During this period some false charges might be levied against you.

Financial Position

From finance and money point of view this transit of Rahu in the second house is not good and auspicious. Your expenses will increase, due to this reason you may squander your saved money. Conditions of borrowing money might arise. You may also face hurdles in the path or earning income. Your financial position might get affected due to unnecessary expenses.


From career point of view this transit of Rahu can be considered to give mixed results. During this transit on one hand unemployed people will get chances of job, on the other hand performance in competitive exams will also get improved. For people in jobs too much work load, tension with bosses, trouble due to office politics and yet promotion in jobs will be seen. For business professionals the transit of Rahu in the second house will also give mixed results. Yet there is a possibility of getting sudden monetary gains, but still you should avoid and be away from law related disputes. You should try to maintain good professional relations with your business partners. During these days never make risky money investments and neither lend money to others. Both these conditions are not good and favorable for you.


For reducing the ill fruits of Rahu in the second house from birth sign you should follow the remedies that are being mentioned below:-

  • 1) You should chant the mantra Om bhraam bhreem bhraum saha rahuvey namah.
  • 2) Wear eight faced rudraksha in your neck.
  • 3) You should worship the activated chatisa yantra of Rahu.
  • 4) Chant the mantra Om joom saha as much as you can.

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