Mata Prashnavali – Divine Answer of your Query

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Mata Prashnavali

How to use the Nav Durga Prashnavali to get the answer to your question:

1. Think of a question. Be as specific as possible, placing the question in a close-ended context:

eg. “Will I get a promotion this year?”.

2. Purify and prepare yourself with serious intent.

3. Turn your mind inwards and give your heart to the divine power.

4. Chant this mantra “Hey Hlin Clin Chamundaya Vichche” and after that chant this mantra”Devi Srwbhuteshu Matrirupen Snsthita. Namastasya Namastasya Namastasya Namo Namah.” and then click once anywhere on the Nav Durga (image above) to view the interpretation.


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