KK leaves for his heavenly abode, know all about his Natal predictions
A birth chart or a Natal chart is based on the state of houses, stars and planets in the sky precisely when an individual is born. There are twelve houses in the solar system which are referred to while preparing a graphical representation of planets at the time of birth of an individual. When a person is born the precise details like time, place of birth, date, month and year are considered while preparing the birth chart of a person.
Why is a birth chart important for you: It can tell you so many things about your present and future based on your birth analysis. Some of these predictions include –
Influences of planets on you.
Your hidden talents.
Times that are suitable for you
regarding different aspects of life and
Hardships that you might face in the coming times.
Major life periods of your life.
Marriage and love life related predictions.
What kind of a person you are and the influence of friends on you.
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Early life and death of our beloved singer: 31st May 2022 came with a disaster for the Bollywood film industry as they lost a gem of a person who was immensely talented, down to earth person who has seduced every one of us by his melodious voice. As all are in deep mourning due to the sudden demise of Indian playback Singer Shri Krishna Kumar Kunnath alias KK. Krishna Kumar Kunnath was born on the 23rd day of august in the year 1968. He died at the age of 53 i.e on 31st of May 2022. His unexpected departure to heaven has left all his fans, friends and family members in shock as he was only 53 and doing well in his career.
On the day of 31st May 2022 KK appeared in a live concert show of gurudas college organised in the Nazrul Mancha auditorium in South Kolkata. Soon after completing his performance he complained about feeling ill and needed rest to which he was brought to the hotel. He had a cardiac arrest in the hotel. This matter was reported to police and after completely examining the case the autopsy report said it was an unnatural death caused due to Heart Attack.
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The remains were brought back to Mumbai at his home and his funeral was performed in the Versova Hindu Cemetery on 02nd June 2022. There was a big gathering on his last journey wherein stars from Bollywood film industry and even from film industries in south.
Career Span of KK: He performed and sang for various super stars. In his career span he gave his melodious voice from Hindi film industry to marathi, tamil and eleven different languages. He has sung around 3500 jingles in his career. He considered Leslie Lewis as his Guru who gave him his first ever jingle to sing in Mumbai. Later Krishna Kumar Kunnath turned into a playback singer and worked with big music composers like, with A R Rahman in kalloori saalai and Hello Dr , Gulzar in Maachis. He earned recognition with “Chod aaye hum wo galiyan” from Gulzar’s Maachis. He later sang one of the most famous songs “Zara si dil me de jagah tu ” from the movie jannat which was directed by Kunal Deshmukh. He became a sensation in Hindi film industry from “O jaana” from tere naam starring Salman Khan and debutant movie of bhumika chawla, “dil nashin dil nashin” from Aashiq banaya aapne, “Tu hi meri shab hai” from Gangster, “Aashayein” from Iqbal, “humko pyar hua pehli baar hua” from ready starring Salman khan. He sang many songs in the movie “Rockstar” starring Ranbir Kapoor whose music was composed by A R Rahman again which conquered hearts of millions. He has also sung for many television serials like just mohabbat, shaka laka boom boom etc. He was globally renowned with his song “Yaad aayenge ye pal”. Recently he sang a song in the movie “83” starring Ranveer singh and Deepika Padukone which is considered the last song of his career.
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What the planetary positions depict about him: But did you know this unforeseen tragedy was predicted before by the experts at the astrology department of Astrosage. As per the birth chart of Krishna Kumar Kunnath the 12th house was said to be ruled by Virgo, which is governed by mercury. Mercury is the lord of the 12th house which is placed in the 11th house of his birth chart. He was born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra (star) which depicts that individuals born on this Nakshatra may face problems in married life which can lead to hypertension and depression. Persons born on this constellation are seen to be short tempered due to which they may face sudden outburst causing resentment and hurt feelings. Nervous tension and stress related diseases are concerning health matters for the Ashlesha borns.
Krishna Kumar Kunnath belonged to the cancer zodiac which is the fourth astrological zodiac depiction generated from the constellation. People from this zodiac sign are believed to be reserved and take a long time in making friendships and associations whether it be business partnership or friendly association.
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He was born on the tithi of Amavasya. A tithi is a Vedic representation of two moon faces i.e Amavasya (New Moon) and Purnima (Full moon). New moon or Amavasya is the dark fortnight according to the Hindu calendar. People originating in this tithi are advised not to travel or start a trip on this day. For starting anything new you should wait for the next cycle of the moon. People from this tithi may also suffer from heart related diseases like low and high blood pressures or problems related to haemoglobin and blood cells.
Tribute to the losted star: Though we have losted a gem of a person, he will forever be alive in our hearts and we are always grateful that he gave us such melodious memories. He was provided with utmost respect by the state of West bengal. Tweets and sympathy messages came all day from Indian Celebrities, Music Composers to Politicians. Everyone mourned his death. His death was reported by every leading Newspaper in India as a tribute to the legend.
Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar