Here is an auspicious Yoga of astrology which involves the Navamsha chart also in addition to the ascendant chart.
How Gauri Yoga is formed?
Gauri Yoga is formed if the lord of the Navamsha occupied by the 10th lord is placed in the 10th house in its sign of exaltation.
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Note: There are different views among astrologers in regard to the formation of Gauri Yoga, but the author considers the above as the authentic definition as also agreed by the renowned astrologer the late Dr B.V. Raman
Results of Gauri Yoga
As a result of this Yoga the native is a wealthy person having land or property and is a charitable and religious person of high character.
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Real Life Example
Following is the birth chart of a person who enjoyed name, fame and lots of wealth and comforts because of Gauri Yoga forming in his Birth Chart.
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In the ascendant chart or the birth chart the lord of 10th house is Moon which is placed in the Pisces sign in the Navamsha chart. And the lord of Pisces sign Viz. Jupiter is exalted in the 10th house of the birth chart. Thus this yoga is formed.
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Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar