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Category Archives: Horoscope

Benefits of Fasting

Benefits of Fasting Speaking about the physical effects and Benefits of Fasting Paracelsus the great Swiss German Physician had once remarked, “Fasting is the greatest remedy; the physician within”. The above stated thought of Wil...

Transit of Venus in Libra – 6 September 2021

Venus is considered as an auspicious planet. And in astrology it is a feminine planet. Therefore, this represents, luxury and comfort. Venus is lord of Taurus and Libra, and it is in high position in zodiac sign Pisces and Low pos...

Transit of Mars in Virgo – 6th September 2021

Mars is said to be red planet, and it is considered to main planet representing agriculture. In Roman culture, Mars was worshipped as, God of battles. It has a large amount of energy, this energy may be positive or negative. Mars ...