Mandarin ducks are considered a symbol of love and a lifelong, loyal, and healthy relationship. According to Vastu Shastra, keeping Mandarin ducks at home is an effective method of enhancing love. The pair of Mandarin ducks are ducks known for their colorful feathers. As per Chinese culture, they are believed to be faithful to their partners and symbolize love and passion.
These ducks are believed to be dedicated to their partner for their whole life. The figurines of the two ducks should always be kept together to symbolize togetherness. In Asian countries, they are also given as a wedding day gift for good luck and a good marriage life.
The right placement of the pair of mandarin ducks can help you achieve your love goals. But the question that arises is what is the ideal placement for these in your home:
1. Keep the Mandarin ducks in a pair, always facing each other. The pair should not be separated as it indicates loneliness.
2. Keep it in your love area or the southwest corner of your house.
3. A bedroom is considered an ideal place to keep the ducks.
4. Place the ducks on the side where your husband sleeps if you are married.
5. Another place where they can be placed is your living room.
6. Always keep the ducks clean, fresh, and in a well-lit environment, clutter-free, and not in a dark place.
7. Do not keep them in the bathroom.
8. If you are single, place the pair on the side of your bed.
9. If you wish for your partner to stay loyal, tie a thread around the neck of the duck pair. Tying the thread means you want to keep your relationship safe and together.
Keeping the pair of mandarin ducks at home is highly beneficial it helps in removing tensions and fights between a couple and increases the love charm between them. It helps in removing negative or bad energy from the home, increasing love among the family members also, encouraging mutual bonds removing misunderstandings. Everyone should keep a pair of mandarin ducks and see its effects. Mandarin ducks pair is an ultimate sign of love which will fill your life with love and passion.
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