Libra 2016 Horoscope Moon Sign

This year will not be as good as the last year comparatively and is likely to give you an average result. The Saturn will remain in the second house from your birth horoscope and this will get stationed here for almost the entire year which will cause all the ill-effects. But towards the end of the year this will move to the twelfth house. Rahu stationed in the eleventh house will be an auspicious one for you.

From health perspective this will be a better year comparatively. You will be in good health most of the time. You will have an improved health compared to the last year. This year only the seasonal cold and flu can influence you. Other than these you may have some stomach and eye infection.

From financial angle this year is going to be better than the last. Investment made in the past will get you returns. It is possible that this year you will see a lot of fluctuations in income comparatively. You are likely to gain from investment in equity and bonds and you are likely to invest more in this field as well. You are likely to sell some land or property. People who wish to have their own house will see things happening positively and may even buy their own house this year as well.

For people who are employed or in services are likely to have positive results this year. You will get recognized for your efforts and contribution at work. You will have good relationship with the officials and you may even get rewarded and recognized for your efforts. You are likely to get promotion as well. You can even get transferred in the month of month of May, June, September or October.

From business angle this year will be a result bearing year for you. It will be possible to have fresh investment in your business and you will be able to recover some debts that you felt you had lost for some time now. You will have the opportunity for business expansion and will also get support from new people.

This is favorable year from the social or family angle. You will have more respect and recognition in your society. Environment at home more or less will be peaceful. You will be able to organize auspicious events that you have been planning and you will accomplish recognition on the religious and social front.

For students this year will be an average one compared to the last year. You may face obstacles in your academic life. Therefore it is important that you study with focus and concentration. Even the result of the examinations will be hold element of surprise for you.

Some Remedies to overcome the problems

1. You should wear diamond, blue Saphire or emerald stones or there substitutes.

2. You should wear rudraksh which has five, eight and nine openings.

3. You should chant the mantras as much as you can and these mantras are OM Bri Brihaspateynamah, and OM kemketveynamah.

4. You should pray to Lord Ganesh, shiva and hanuman.

5. You should have a horse shoe of a black horse placed both at work and home.

6. You should even fast on Saturday.

7. You should offer water to the pepal tree everyday. And on Saturday you should light an oil lamp there.

8. You should have a spiritual guru and have the blessings of all saintly persons.

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