Hints on Analyzing a Birth Chart for Marriage

This article gives general guidance for analysing a chart for feasibility and timing of marriage.

Birth Chart for Marriage

This article aims to give some hints for analysing a birth chart in order to see one’s marital prospects and get an idea of its probable time.

The Houses Related to Marriage

The 7th house in a birth chart is generally known as the main house of marriage and spouse. But in addition to this the 2nd and 11th houses need to be considered. The 2nd house indicates the family at large or Kutumbh and the 11th house is house of friendship and fulfilment. The marriage partner is going to be one’s intimate friend so consideration of this house is must.

In case it is a marriage through a love affair then the 5th house also comes very much into the picture and must not be ignored. Greater the association of the 5th house with the 7th house, greater will be the probability of love affair turning into a marriage.

Consider the Significators

In general the planet Venus signifies marriage but in case of a female birth chart Jupiter representing her spouse is also significant. Strength and auspiciousness of these promise marriage.

In addition to the above the following are functional significators for a specific birth chart for marriage:

Planets occupying the houses of marriage.

Planets governing the star-constellations (Nakshatras) in which the occupants of houses of marriage fall.

Planets governing the star-constellation (Nakshatras) in which the cusps of the houses of marriage fall.

Planets governing the cusps of the houses of marriage.

Estimating the Probable Time of Marriage

One can know about the probable time of one’s marriage, which is likely during the sub-periods and main periods of the following planets:

Sub or main periods of Venus.

Sub or main periods of Moon.

Sub or main period of the 7th lord.

During the sub or main period of the planet governing the sign in which 7th lord is placed.

Sub or main period of the 2nd lord.

Sub or main period of the navamsha lord in which the 2nd lord falls.

Sub or main periods of the planets linked with the 7th lord.

Out of the above the times during favourable transits of Jupiter have greater probability of giving marriage.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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