Libra Health weekly Horoscope, Libra health this week and next Week

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Libra Health Weekly Horoscope 24 July – 30 July 2023

Your ruler Venus will be in a slow-down mode and it will conjunct the Sun. Retrogression and conjunction are not good for your physical health. Both planets are impacting the leg and upper abdominal area. Your entire body is now activated with a lot of energy. Please try to use your energy to de-stress. There will be some arguments with your teammates, and that will be very complex. T The upper abdominal area is also sensitive, so please follow a natural diet. Your small intestines are active, and they connect the stomach to the colon area.

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Libra Health Weekly Horoscope 15 July – 21 July 2024

For Librans, the knees, bones, flesh, patella (knee cap), and popliteal fossae (back of the knees) will be very important. Knee health is important, so you have to have enough calcium. Please make sure you take part in sports or adventurous activities. If you have swelling in your knees, then consider using supportive footwear or knee braces if needed. Sufficient calcium and vitamin D are also important for your physical health. Stretching exercises will be good to relax your flesh and muscles around the knees. Avoid prolonged squatting or physical activity to keep your body cool. If you recently had knee-related issues, then you have to take more care. The health and happiness of the father are also important.

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