Let the Day-Lord Give you Happiness!

Let the Day-Lord Give you Happiness!

Happiness – The Vedic Sciences assign a Lord Planet to each day of the week. The Lord Planet is believed to govern the day assigned to it. Although an individual’s ruling planets as per his or her horoscope are responsible for detailed astrological influences on that persons affairs yet the planet governing the day puts a background colour to the canvas of life.


We are all beset with problems. Each person and household has certain set of problems related to self, children, spouse, finance, house, job, business and so on. While facing problems, obstacles and suffering one should not become negative or disheartened. The very purpose of our existence is evolution through learning and for learning ever new lessons we all need to pass through happy as well as sad streets of life.

Please the Day-Lord Planet …

You can please the lord planet of the day by reciting its mantra in the morning before commencing your work.

Planets Governing the Weekdays

Planet The Weekday it Governs
Sun Sunday
Moon Monday
Mars Tuesday
Mercury Wednesday
Jupiter Thursday
Venus Friday
Saturn Saturday

Mantras for Governing Planets …

In the morning after taking bath you can sit comfortably at a secluded place and recite at least one mala (Rosary of 108 beads of any material). The purpose of the rosary is to help you keep a count of your recitation. It matters in the least what material the beads are made of and which hand or fingers you use for turning the beads. Mantra for Success, Recitation of Mantras

It is important that you do not rush and recite with full faith and concentration. It will further help if you hang a picture of the day lord planet’s deity in front of you. Lighting a lamp (Oil or Ghee) and stick of incense will further enhance the vibrations of the place and lift you up spiritually.

Planet Mantra of the planet
Sun ‘Om ghrini suriaye namaha’
Moon ‘Om som som ayenamaha’
Mars Omaumangaarkayenamaha’
Mercury ‘Om bum budhaayenamaha’
Jupiter Om brim brehespatayenamaha’
Venus ‘Omshumshukrayenamaha’
Saturn Om sham shneshcharayenamaha’
Rahu ‘Omraangrahveynamaha’
Ketu ‘Omkemketveynamaha’

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Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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