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Category Archives: Horoscope

Gemstones in Dreams

Dreams are windows into another world. Since long humans have tried to give meaning to dreams. Most interpretations are based upon deep seated emotions, psychology, life conditions and life experiences. Amethyst: If you see an Ame...

Safeguard Your Kundalini

Kundalini is a tremendous force sleeping at a point near the genitals in each one of us. When awakened it rises up along the spinal column activating different spiritual centers and thereby increasing awareness … Kundalini as per ...

Sam Pitroda

*The Father of India’s Communication Revolution* Sam Pitroda,is the genius who revolutionized the state of telecommunications in India.Let us salute to this inventor, technocrat, and social thinker on his 73rd Birthday falling on ...

Saraswati Yoga of Vedic Astrology

This is one of the auspicious astrological Yogas of Vedic Astrology. How Saraswati Yoga is formed If in a birth chart the houses 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th or 10th are severally or jointly occupied by the planets Jupiter, Venus and M...