A Tribute to the Pious Soul of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam


Our honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi has remarked on Dr. Kalam’s death, “India mourns the loss of a great scientist, a wonderful President& above all an inspiring individual.”

Former President APJ Abdul Kalam, the ‘missile man’ who also came to be known as ‘People’s President’ died on 27th July 2015 after he collapsed due to a massive cardiac arrest during a lecture at the IIM in Shillong.

He was running the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Rahu at the time of death.


As per his chart Venus falls in the constellation of Rahu and Rahu in turn falls in the constellation of the 7th and 8th lord Saturn. The 7th lord is death inflicting planet and the 8th house and its lord Saturn is connected with death.

Venus is the lord of the constellation in which the 2nd house cusp falls. The 2nd house is again death inflicting house so its lord the Sun gave him death due to cardiac arrest. We know that the Sun signifies heart.

His ascendant lord the Moon is debilitated in the 5th house of his intellect and Moon falls in the constellation of the 7th and 8th lord Saturn which in turn is placed in the 6th house of difficulties. So he faced struggles and problems in his early days and thus was a totally self-made man. He had wisely stated once, “Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.”

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