Pisces Weekly Horoscopes, Pisces this week, Pisces next week

Pisces Weekly HoroscopeComprehensive Pisces weekly horoscope on web covering Indian Pisces weekly horoscope and Western Pisces weekly horoscope prediction at one place. You can find your fortune in the predictions of Pisces Weekly Horoscope provided by Truthstar. Pisces this week various aspects of life and forecasts your future for a particular week. This week Pisces, you will be able get steering on what to try and what to avoid during this week.

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Pisces Weekly Horoscope 22 July 2024 – 28 July 2024

At this time, you need to understand that for mental peace, it is more appropriate to address the causes of stress rather than causing physical strain on the body. You should make an effort to keep yourself stress-free this week, understanding this fact. Those who have been recklessly spending their money may find themselves in great need of it this week, as Jupiter will be positioned in the third house of your moon sign. During this time, you may realize the importance of money in life. Therefore, control your expenses and behave responsibly.

Saturn will be in your first/ascendant house, and as a result, a short trip to visit relatives might provide some relaxation and peace in your hectic life. You will succeed in giving sufficient time to your family, allowing them to feel that you care about them. Spend quality time with them and avoid giving them any reason to complain.

You may face difficulties in advancing with precision in your career this week. However, by considering yourself above all, you might refrain from seeking help from others. This could lead to facing failure in the future. Students need to continue working hard this week, as their understanding ability will improve. Focus on your work rather than being distracted by bad company, and engage in preparing for upcoming exams.

Remedy: Donate food to an elderly Brahmin on Thursday.

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Pisces Weekly Horoscope 15 July 2024 – 21 July 2024

Rahu will be positioned in your first house this week. As a result, due to poor health, you may feel a lack of confidence. In such times, believing in yourself is crucial because true courage is recognized through self-confidence. Perhaps you already understand this well, as it may help you overcome a long-standing illness. This week is highly auspicious for small real estate and financial transactions because Jupiter is positioned in your third house of moon sign. However, refrain from making any major investments right now. If unavoidable, seek advice from an experienced person before investing. You will feel this week that the people at home are most important to you. Therefore, it would be better to stay calm for a while and give them some time. Additionally, this week you may need to work less than usual as your efforts may yield excellent results during this period, improving your situation. For students dreaming of studying in a good college abroad, this opportunity is likely to arise this week. To enhance your memory, it’s advised to practice subjects in the morning.

Remedy: On Thursday, consider donating meals to the elderly.

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