Aquarius Weekly Horoscope, Aquarius this week, Aquarius next week

Aquarius Weekly HoroscopeComprehensive Aquarius weekly horoscope on the web covering Indian Aquarius this week and Western Aquarius this week horoscope prediction at one place. You can find your fortune in the predictions of Aquarius Weekly Horoscope provided by Truthstar. It covers the various aspects of life and forecasts your future for a particular week. This week Aquarius horoscope will cover all aspects of life.

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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 22 July 2024 – 28 July 2024

This week, if it is not necessary, avoid driving. Especially avoid any kind of travel at night, as it may lead to physical discomfort. People of your sign should avoid taking any financial risks this week. Although there are possibilities of sudden financial gains from various sources during this time, you need to prepare yourself thoroughly for every situation before using the money.

In the workplace, an excess of work might deprive you of family happiness because Saturn will be positioned in the first/ascendant house of your moon sign. However, if you want to relieve your mental stress, you should spend some time with your family members. Jupiter will be in your fourth house, so make sure to allocate time for your family in any way possible.

This week, despite the efforts of your enemies and opponents, they will not be able to harm you. This will enhance your reputation at work, and you will continue to achieve success by turning every adverse situation to your advantage through your hard work and capability.

In short, this week is mainly for students to overcome their weaknesses and move forward. You should identify both your strong and weak points and pace your efforts according to the time. Overall, hardworking individuals will find success during this period, though students might have to wait for a good time to come.

Remedy: Recite “Om Mandaya Namah” 44 times daily.

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Aquarius Weekly Horoscope 15 July 2024 – 21 July 2024

Jupiter will be positioned in your fourth house this week, indicating a positive start focused on health. There may be favorable changes in your health during this period, potentially prompting you to decide to join a gym. Financially, this week looks promising for individuals of this sign, as planetary alignments suggest favorable conditions. You may also find success in legal matters related to property or land in court proceedings.

However, excessive work commitments in your professional sphere could detract from family happiness. To alleviate mental stress, consider spending quality time with family members this week. Additionally, you might need to exert less effort than usual in your work this week, as favorable outcomes are likely due to your previous hard work. This week could prove excellent for your higher education pursuits, offering better-than-average opportunities. If you’ve been striving for educational goals for some time, this period may bring you significant success. To ensure success, avoid distractions and remain focused on your future.

Remedy: Chant “Om Vayuputraya Namah” 11 times daily.

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