The planet Venus is regarded to be a symbol of beauty. It will come out of its friendly moon sign Capricorn and will transit in the sign of Aquarius. Both these moon signs are ruled by planet Saturn that is the judge of human deeds. In such conditions this planet of love and romance will transit in the sign of Aquarius that is made of air element. This transit of Venus will take place on 31st March 2022 during morning 8:45 minutes. On the same hand planet Venus will remain in the sign of Aquarius till 27th April evening 6:30 minutes. After this time duration it will transit in its exalted sign of Pisces.
For the moon sign of Aries people, planet Venus is the lord of 2nd house that represents wealth, property and family and 7th house that shows partnership. In this time duration Venus will transit in Aquarius sign in the 11th house that represents income and gains. From financial point of view this transit of Venus in the 11th house will prove to be very beneficial. During this time you will get money from more than one source. Due to the two houses of money you will get money and prosperity in your life. This is known as money prospects. This transit of Venus will also expand the business of those who have any kind of business.
Remedies: Worship Goddess Saraswati on Friday and offer white flowers to her.
Venus is the lord of Taurus moon sign and besides this it is the lord of 6th house that shows will power and strength. During its transit in Aquarius sign it will be seen in the 10th house. From career point of view during this time you will be seen very much thrilled concerning your job and work. Besides this you will also become very much ambitious to reach your goals. You will also expect to increase your profile and salary package. During this time you will use some new sources to change your products at the work place. Those persons who have a business they might feel some problems in their production due to the errors made by their workers at their work place.
Remedies: Donate White clothes to poor and needy girls.
In the moon sign of Gemini people, planet Venus is the lord of 12th house that shows desires, expenses and gains and 5th house that shows love, children and education. During this time planet Venus will transit in Aquarius sign in the 9th house that shows luck, higher education and religious tasks. This relation with the 9th house will give good results and will also do getting full support from luck for people of Gemini sign. This time will be the most fortunate one for you regarding your work place and job. This is because during this time you will get appreciation even for your small efforts at your job.
Remedies: Apply a mark of white Sandalwood on your forehand daily.
In the moon sign of Cancer people, planet Venus is the lord of 4th house that shows happiness, pleasures, wealth and mother. It is also the lord of 11th house that represents income and gains. During this transit Venus will be seen in Aquarius in the 8th house of unexpected things. With the help of this Venus transit you will make money earnings from many sources. Besides this some people will get wealth, property and some expensive things as a gift along with some financial gains. Even then those persons who are concerned with share market and stock market they should be careful. They are being suggested not to invest money during this time duration. Do this or else you might face some big loss.
Remedies: Donate milk during Monday and Friday.
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In the moon sign of Leo persons, planet Venus is the lord of 3rd house that shows brothers, sisters and business and 10th house that shows career and job. During its transit in Aquarius sign, Venus will be seen in the 7th house. This time duration will prove to be very favorable for hard working persons and those who are having a business with partnership. For all these people this transit of Venus will prove to be very much and specially fruitful. In this time duration these people will see expansion of their business. Besides this they will also see increase in their customers and consumers.
Remedies: Feeding the cows regularly will prove to be helpful for you.
In the moon sign of Virgo people, planet Venus is the lord of 2nd house that shows money and family and 9th house that shows luck and religious deeds. During its transit in Aquarius sign, Venus will be seen in the 6th house that shows debts, disease, enemies and challenges. From career point of view this time will be very much good for job doing people. During this duration you will get some new opportunities in your work place yet you will also have to face some challenges. During this time your enemies might get activated but you will not allow them to prevail over you. In this duration you will reach your goals in your career with your professional skills and expertise.
Remedies: Apply Sandalwood perfume on your body before coming out of your home.
Planet Venus is the lord of Libra sign and it is also the lord of 8th house that denotes uncertainties. During its transit in Aquarius sign, Venus will be seen in the 5th house that represents love, romance, entertainment and children. When we see from career point of view then job doing persons especially, who are in services for them this time will be favorable. During this time you will get new opportunities for expansion of your business. This will prove to be very beneficial for you from financial point of view. This time will also prove to be beneficial for those who are about to start some new project.
Remedies: Feed blind people during Fridays.
In the moon sign of Scorpio people, planet Venus is the lord of 7th house that shows business, marriage and business partnership and 12th house that is concerned with journey, expenses and losses. During its transit in Aquarius sign, Venus will be seen in the 4th house of pleasures, happiness, mother, wealth, land and vehicle. From career point of view during this time the aspect of Venus at your business house will prove to be favorable for you. Those persons who are concerned with abroad market, ladies products, clothes, pleasure items and beauty products they will have a favorable time during this time of Venus transit.
Remedies: Offer milk, sugar and rice to Goddess Parvati during Monday and Friday.
In the moon sign of Sagittarius persons, planet Venus is the lord of 6th house that shows debts, diseases and 11th house that shows income, gains and friendship. During its transit in Aquarius sign, planet will be seen in the 3rd house that shows efforts, valor, journey and communication. From professional point of view this time will make persons to make more efforts to reach their big and small goals. Along with this those who are fresher and are seeking a job, they will also not leave any lapse to search a job. With their good efforts they will get positive results very early.
Remedies: Donate white sweets to little girls.
In the moon sign of Capricorn people, planet Venus is the lord of 5th house that shows children, love and higher education and 10th house that shows job and career. For people of Capricorn sign Venus is a very beneficial planet. During its transit in Aquarius sign, Venus will be seen in the 2nd house that denotes money, family and communication. In such conditions the transit of Venus in Capricorn will give favorable results. This time duration will be very much favorable for business people. This is because they will be seen to get the money payments of their previous business dealings and transactions.
Remedies: Wear a pink crystal piece in your hand or neck.
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For people of Aquarius sign, Venus is a very prospective and beneficial planet. In the moon sign of Aquarius people it is the lord of Ascendant and Triangle houses. It is the lord of 4th house that shows pleasures and 9th house that shows fortune and luck. In such conditions Venus will transit in Aquarius and will be seen in the ascendant. From professional of view during this transit of Venus job doing people will get full support from their luck. They will get complete help from their seniors and bosses at their work place. They will get success in their big and small efforts.
Remedies: Wear a good quality Opal gemstone in a silver ring in your Apollo finger.
In the moon sign of Pisces people, planet Venus is the lord of 3rd house that shows efforts, strength and communication and 8th house that shows uncertainties. In such conditions Venus will not give favorable results in spite of being in its exalted sign that is ruled by planet Jupiter. This is because while its transit in Aquarius sign, Venus will be seen in the 12th house that shows expenses, abroad journey and losses. This transit of Venus will increase your unnecessary expenses. Due to sudden expenses you might feel mental tension and unrest. There is a chance that during this time you might face money losses due to theft.
Remedies: Be on a fast on Fridays to reduce the bad effects of this Venus transit.
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