Rosa Park; Symbol of Dignity for Black Americans

By refusing to give up her seat to a white man on Montgomery, Alabama, city bus in 1955, she added fuel to sparks of Civil Rights Movement. …


This important incident in the history of America’s Civil rights Movement took place on 1st December 1955, when Rosa Park refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama, city bus. The same day the leaders of the local black community led by a young Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. organized a bus boycott that lasted more than a year and ended only when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that bus segregation was unconstitutional. Over the next half-century, Parks became a nationally recognized symbol of dignity for black Americans.

A True Libran …
Rosa Park was born at Alabama (US) on 4th February 1913 under the ascendant sign of Libra. In her Birth Chart the exalted ascendant lord Venus is conjunct Rahu in the 6th house of service.


Venus and Rahu are friendly towards each other therefore Rahu gave her courage to stand for justice and harmony for all. Rahu under its positive role gives initiative for revolutionary ideas.

Jupiter and 9th House Inspired her to Take Initiative for Justice …

On 1st December 1955, the day she stood for the rights of the black Americans she was running the sub-period of Saturn in the main period of Jupiter (Ju/Sa).

The planet Jupiter is a general significator for justice, harmony and equanimity and the 9th house represents truth, righteousness and justice. In Rosa’s birth chart the 9th house cusp falls in the constellation of Jupiter.

Also her Saturn falls in the constellation of the 11th lord the Sun. Because of the involvement of the 11th house of accomplishments her initiatives brought her success.

She died in 2005 at the age of 92 during the sub-period of Venus in the main period of Ketu. As per her birth chart Venus also governs her 8th house of death.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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