Mangalik Dosha in Vedic Astrology


Mars (Mangal) placed in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house from ascendant (Lagna), Moon and Venus results in the Mangalik Dosha.

The Importance of Mars in Mangalik Dosha

Mars is a cruel planet astrologically. Mars is a natural significator of Courage, Aggression, Violence, Property, Coborns to name a few. In terms of Marriage it acquires supreme importance as here it signifies Passion, the Husband, the Marital Knot, sex, etc. Moreover, the role of Mars in the generation of progeny cannot be underestimated.

Mangalik Dosha in Relation to Planets

Mangalik Dosha is considered from the Ascendant as it signifies everything about self.

Mangalik Dosha is considered from the Moon as it signifies heart, emotions.

Mangalik Dosha is considered from Venus as it signifies marriage, spouse, and bed pleasures.

Mangalik Dosha in Relation to Houses

1st House signifies Self in general and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems in certain cases.

2nd House signifies Finance, Family among other things and placement/ aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.

4th House signifies Domestic happiness, family and material comforts among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.

7th House signifies spouse, marriage, married life among other things and placement/ aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.

8th House signifies Longevity, Mangalya (marital bond) in females among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.

12th House signifies Bed comforts, sexual enjoyment among other things and placement/aspect of Mars on this house can lead to problems related to these significations in certain cases.

The Effects of Placement of Mars in Specific Houses:

Placement in 1st house: Being placed in the 1st house it will aspect 4th house, 7th house and 8th house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.

Placement in 2nd house: Being placed in the 2nd house it will aspect 5th house (Children, emotions, intellect), 8th house and 9th(Fortune, Prosperity and Progeny in females) house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.

Placement in 4th house: Being placed in the 4th house it will aspect 7th house, 10th house (career, fame) and 11th house (gains, elevation of spouse) hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.

Placement in 7th house: Being placed in the 7th house it will aspect 10th house, 1st house and 2nd house hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.

Placement in 8th house: Being placed in the 8th house it will aspect 11th house, 2nd house and 3rd house (inclination, courage, vigour), hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.

Placement in 12th house: Being placed in the 12th house it will aspect 3rd house, 6th house (debts, disease, competition) and 7th house, hence can be a source of concern in some horoscopes.

The Nature of Mangalik Dosha

It is believed that Mangalik dosha is mild if it is from the Ascendant. This affliction is stronger from the Moon and strongest from Venus.

Mars placement in 1st, 2nd, 4th and 12th house indicates mild Dosha. Mars placement in 7th or 8th house results in greater Dosha.

Neutralizing of Mangalik Dosha

The effects of the Mangalik Dosha are neutralized in various ways. But here we can mention a few Vedic Astrology Principles.

If Mangalik Dosha is found in both the male and the female horoscope the effects of the dosha are neutralized.

If Jupiter aspects or conjoins Mars, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.

If Mars and Rahu are placed together in the horoscope, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.

If Mars is placed in his own house or in exaltation, the effects of the dosha are neutralized.

If Mars is placed in 7th house and ascendant lord happens to be Saturn the effects of the dosha are neutralized.

If Mars is placed in 8th house and ascendant lord happens to be Venus the effects of the dosha are neutralized.

If Mars is placed in 8th house with Jupiter as 8th lord the effects of the dosha are neutralized.

If Mars is placed in 12th house with Venus as 12th lord the effects of the dosha are neutralized.

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