January 2025

How reliable are Birth Charts of Celebrities?

Birth charts of most celebrities are not accurate as the exact birth time in most cases is not actually known to people..


Accurate birth data of most celebrities is not generally known to astrologers. The date and year may be known, but the exact time of the day is not known in most cases. So astrologers for writing books and articles or for making general predictions, assume certain time for which the birth chart looks powerful or with some plus points.

Although sign wise position of planets other than the Moon may not change in a day, yet the ascendant sign changes every two hours, so house wise position of planets changes a lot. Moon is a fast moving planet so its sign wise position may also change on that day at certain time.

Let me consider a specific case here in order to illustrate what I mean. I take the case of a famous woman saint of India whose actual time of birth is not known but different times of the day have been assumed by different astrologers. She was born in Calcutta on 1st May 1896. Let me consider birth charts for two different times of the day in order to show the difference it makes:

Birth Chart for 03:45 hrs


In this chart of Pisces ascendant sign exalted Venus is placed in the ascendant. The 12th lord Saturn is exalted in the 8th house giving rise to Yoga. Jupiter is exalted in the 5th house and has a sign exchange with Moon giving rise to a good Yoga.

Birth Chart for 21:09 hrs:


Sign exchange between Moon and Jupiter shifts to ascendant and 8th house which is not good. Also 6th lord Venus is conjunct Sun in 5th house. Also all the core square houses viz. 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th are vacant. So the birth chart is very weak.

But how can we argue that this cannot represent the chart of that saint? All the negative traits of the birth chart are un-favorable for worldly progress. A saint does not want worldly progress, rather the truth is that such a chart propels one to look inside and develop in spiritual terms.

The following situations cause vaastu defects in the East direction

If the boundary walls in the east are higher than those in the west.
If the ground level in the east is higher than that of west, south, southwest or southeast.
If any adjoining building in east is higher or there are high mountains.
If there is no open space in the east.
If there are toilets in the east or the garbage is placed there.
If there is a store room in the east.

General Remedy: If any or more of the defects as listed above in the east direction cannot be removed then fix an energized Sun Yantra in the defected area or on the door of the room in which this defect occurs.

The following situations cause Vaastu defects in the Southeast direction.

If the southeast corner is cut off.
If the southeast direction is blocked.
If this direction is extended.
If there exists an underground water tank, pond or well in this direction.
If there is a bathroom or a toilet here. • If the ground level of this part is lower than that of the northeast.
If the ground level of this part is higher than that of the southwest.
If there is a bedroom in this direction.

General Remedy: If any or more of the defects as listed above in the southeast direction cannot be removed then fix an energized Venus Yantra in the defected area or on the door of the room in which this defect occurs.

The following situations cause Vaastu defects in the South direction.

If there is a door in this direction.
If there is an underground water tank, pond or well in this direction.
If there is plenty of open space in this direction.
If the ground level of this part is lower than that of the north or east.

General Remedy: If any or more of the defects as listed above in the south direction cannot be removed then fix an energized Mars Yantra in the defected area or on the door of the room in which this defect occurs.

The following situations cause Vaastu defects in the Southwest direction

• If drain or rain water flows towards this direction.
• If there is a basement in this area.
• If there is an opening in the boundary walls on this side.
• If there is an underground water tank, pond or well in this area.
• If there is a kitchen in this direction.
• If the boundary walls in this direction are light and lower in height.
• If there is a window in this direction.
• If this direction is extended.
• If there is a door in this direction.

The following situations cause Vaastu defects in the West direction.

If there is a main entrance in this direction.
If there is a kitchen in this direction.
If there is a fireplace or heating equipment in this direction.
If there is an open area or a corridor in this direction.
If the ground level of west is lower than the east.
If the ground level of west is higher than that of the southwest.
If there is open space in the west.

General Remedy: If any or more of the defects as listed above in the west direction cannot be removed then fix an energized Saturn Yantra in the defected area or on the door of the room in which this defect occurs.

The following situations cause Vaastu defects in the Northwest direction.

If the northwest corner is cut off.
If the northwest is blocked.
If the ground level of northwest is higher than that of the southwest.
If the ground level of this part is lower than the southeast.
If there is a kitchen here.

General Remedy: If any or more of the defects as listed above in the northwest direction cannot be removed then fix an energized Moon Yantra in the defected area or on the door of the room in which this defect occurs.

Article by: Jyotirvid Pawan Kumar

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