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Cancer 2016 Horoscope Moon Sign

Comparatively the year 2016 should be better than the last one for you. Saturn located in the fifth house from your birth horoscope house will this year as well pose threats related to family and finances. But you will have positive results if you are in the field of science and technology or if you are linked to medicine and medical world. Jupiter placed between the second and third aspect will have an average result. Rahu and ketu by January will again get placed in the second and eighth house which is not auspicious for you.

From health perspective this year should be a favorable year for you. You may suffer from stomach related problems by the end of the year. At the same time you may face an accident during this period. You would be in good health besides the seasonal flu and cold.

From a financial perspective this will be a favorable for you. There are chances that you will have increase in income and your investment will get you the returns as well. You will have profits from the investment made in land and property. Finances may get impacted in the month of June, July and December. During this period you should not be making investment in high risk proposition.

For people employed in a profession this year would be better than the last one. People who are waiting for their promotion will get the good news this year. There are chances of transfer in the month of February, March, June, July and December. You need to be cautious in your job especially in the month of December. There are chances of you being alleged for taking bribes etc. You should not break the laid down rules and regulations.

For people in business this is going to be just an average result bearing year for you. You will have plans of business expansion as well. There are chances of business profits from foreign and foreign based corporations. You need to be more vigilant especially in the month of February, March, June, July and December. Besides having a sudden loss you may face some taxation or tax avoidance related issue.

This is a favorable year for you in terms of family and social life. You will have auspicious events organized at your residence. People who are looking forward to get married this year will also listen to the favorable news. You will have more social recognition and will also have better relationship with your relatives and you will gain from them.

This is going to be an average year for the students in terms of results. Bright students will get an opportune environment but the average students can get impacted. You would have to work extremely hard in your exams because you will not have too much of luck on your side.

Some Remedies to overcome the problems

1. Wear gemstones like pearl, red coral and yellow sapphire.

2. You should wear rudraksh which has seven eight and nine openings.

3. You should chant the mantras as much as you can and these mantras are OM shan, shanescharayenamah, OM Ra rahveynamah; OM kemketveynamah.

4. Recite Vishnushastranamstrot at least once during the day.

5. You should pray to lord hanuman and shiva.

6. You should offer water to the pepal tree everday. And on Saturday you should light an oil lamp there.

7. You should have a horse shoe of a black horse placed both at work and home.

8. You should feed the ants and the birds.