Cancer Health weekly Horoscope, Cancer Health this week

Cancer Health weekly Horoscope gives you great insight into your health and helping you in planning the same.

Cancer Health Weekly Horoscope 24 July – 30 July 2023

Venus will be in retrogression, and it will conjunct the Sun. This will impact your second facial area. This is a good time for a dental checkup. You will naturally think about improving your dental health. Your eyes are also activated. You must wash your eyes with cold water. When Venus is retrograde through the second house, you will feel the need to improve your self-esteem. This is the sector for throat and nutrition as well. So, you should use this time to have good food.

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Cancer Health Weekly Horoscope 15 July – 21 July 2024

The first house of the head and brain area will be very much activated due to the solar transit. Whenever the sun moves through the first house, you will be more focused on your health. You may go through some stress, so meditation and silent time are needed. Adequate sleep and rest are very much needed during this time. Please have food rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and other brain-boosting nutrients to have good body function. It will be good if you do some mental and physical exercise. Please avoid harsh sports, as there are chances for injuries. Practice mindfulness to stay grounded and maintain mental clarity. You will be buying some objects to improve your physical health and beauty too.

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Cancer Health Weekly Horoscope 16 November, 2020 – 22 November, 2020

The abdominal area is highly active with the powerful Sun. The Sun is a fiery energy and that indicates acidity related issues. Try to have a natural diet. When the Sun moves through this house, then you may try to take up a new health care plan. Your intestines will react fast and this should not bring any digestive issues. Don’t forget to drink enough water too. However, you can have lukewarm water than cold drinks. You will have emotional issues also and please stay away from all controversies. This is a very crucial time for your emotional health as well. The upper abdominal area is also very sensitive. You may have to take care of your liver and gall bladder. This is a good time for a routine check-up.

Cancer Health Weekly Horoscope 09 November, 2020 – 15 November, 2020

The Sun and Mercury are triggering your upper abdominal area and that indicates the importance of the diet. You have to give special care to the liver and spleen as they have become very sensitive. The entire upper abdominal part is active. Stay away from intoxicants, otherwise, that can bring issues. Fresh leafy vegetables and a liquid diet will be good during this time. You will have concerns regarding children and their health, so you need to be careful with their health. You will take up a new health care regime or diet program. Menstrual issues are also possible during this week. The chest area is also triggered by Venus and you should control the sweet intake. A routine blood test will be ideal during this week.