Libra Weekly Horoscope, Libra this week, Libra next week

Libra Weekly HoroscopeComprehensive Libra weekly horoscope on web covering Indian Libra this week and Western Libra this week horoscope prediction at one place. You can find your fortune in the predictions of Libra Weekly Horoscope provided by Truthstar. It covers the various aspects of life and forecasts your future for a particular week. This week Libra horoscope will cover all aspects of the life.

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Libra Weekly Horoscope 29 April 2024 – 05 May 2024

This week, you may feel unwell due to the increasing workload and burdensome tasks in the workplace over the past few weeks, which could tire you out and cause you distress. With Ketu in the twelfth house from the Moon sign this week, there is a possibility that if you withdraw money from an ATM, you may end up losing that money or your wallet for some reason. Therefore, you need to be cautious to avoid any such adverse situations, as negligence in these matters could lead to significant losses.

You often try to avoid domestic responsibilities, but this week, doing so might be quite challenging for you. This is because you won’t be able to evade household responsibilities at any cost during this period, which could be a cause of concern for you. People of your zodiac sign who are already working in foreign companies may have a strong chance of receiving a major promotion or benefit this week due to Saturn’s position in the fifth house from the Moon sign. As a result, your seniors at work will praise your work, and your colleagues will support you wholeheartedly during this time.

This week, time might play a trick on you, as you might misplace or forget where you kept an important book or its notes, causing you mental stress. This could lead to some agitation in your nature, and you might feel anxious about small things. Therefore, it’s better to stay calm and find a solution rather than getting worked up about it.

Remedy: Regularly recite the Hanuman Chalisa.

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Libra Weekly Horoscope 22 April 2024 – 28 April 2024

This week, regarding your health, try to focus more on improving it rather than depending too much on your fate. Due to Saturn’s position in the fifth house from the Moon sign, continue making efforts towards better health. Those who had taken any kind of loan or debt previously may face difficulties in repaying that amount this week. The main reason behind this could be not saving your money. Therefore, start making efforts to save your finances from now on. If your parents’ health was affected, there is a strong possibility of improvement coming this week. This will make your family life quite good throughout this period, and you may plan to buy a vehicle or property during this time. Many business-oriented individuals may contemplate giving a new direction to their business this week. However, taking excessive risks right now could be detrimental to you. Therefore, it is essential to seek expert advice while making any decisions regarding changes. According to your educational prospects, this week looks especially good for students dreaming of studying abroad. Additionally, for students studying in fashion or other creative fields, this time will be most favorable. Because during this time, they will find many opportunities for success in their education.

Remedy: Perform a yajna-havan for the Rahu planet on Saturday.

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